1-Phenyl -3-Methyl 5-Pyrazolone
- Primary Name:PMP, Phenyl Methyl Pyrazolone
- Chemical Name:2-pyrazolin-5-one , 1-Phenyl-3-methylpyrazol-5-one
- CAS No.: 89-25-8
- EINECS: 201-891-0
- Molecular Weight: 174.2
- Molecular Formula: C10 H10 N2O
- Purity (Organic): 99.5% min
- Physical Apperence: Light Beige Powder
1-Phenyl 3-Methyl 5-Pyrazolone
1-Phenyl 3-Methyl Pyrazolone is Light yellow crystal powder that is soluble in hot water; acid, alkaline solution and organic solvent but not dissolve in cold water. 2,4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl is partial soluble in benzene and alcohol. 3-Methyl-1-phenylpyrazole is a key component for manufacturing certain organic pigment intermediates, “Analgin” and “Aminopyrine”. Jay Organics is one of the leading manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of 3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone in Ahmedabad, India and deliver to the world wide clients that have been highly demanded in USA, Indonesia, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Africa and Asian countries.