4-Nitro O-Phenylene Diamine
- Primary Name: 4-Nitro OPD
- Chemical Name: Para Nitro Ortho Phenylene Diamine
- CAS No.: 99-56-9
- EINECS: 202-766-3
- Molecular Weight: 153.14
- Molecular Formula: C6 H7 N3O2
- Purity (organic): 99.0% min
- Physical Apperence: Redish Orange Crystalline Powder
4-Nitro O-Phenylene Diamine
Jay Organics is one of the leading manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of 4-Nitro-o-phenylenediamine in India and deliver to the world wide clients that have been highly demanded in USA, Indonesia, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Africa and Asian countries. Our 4-Nitro-o-phenylenediamine is recognized among our global clients for their accurate composition, 100% purity and non-toxicity and durable packaging. Our organic chemicals and hair colour intermediates are used in various industries like textile dyes, hair dyes, photographic paper processing and others.
Tags : 4-Nitro-o-phenylenediamine manufacturer India offer 4-Nitro-o-phenylenediamine USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Europe, Kuwait, Oman, Russia, France, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Germany, Sharjah, Dubai, Philippines, Netherlands. We are one of the leading 4-Nitro-o-phenylenediamine manufacturer in Gujarat. Contact Us : +91-79-40083154. leading manufacturer and exporter of nitro Phenylene Diamine exporter India