6-Chloro-4-Nitro Aminophenol
- Primary Name: 6 Chloro 4 NAP
- Chemical Name: 2-AMINO 6 CHLORO 4-NITRO PHENOL
- CAS No.: 6358-09-04
- Molecular Weight: 188.57
- Molecular Formula: C6 H5 C1 N2 O3
- Purity (G.C.): 98.0% min
- Physical Apperence: Yellow – Green moist Powder
6-Chloro-4-Nitro Aminophenol
The 2-amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol is intended for use in semi-permanent hair dyes formulations as a direct dye, or as a non-reactive colorant in oxidative hair-dyes formulations. In the latter case, it has been found to be stable under the conditions during oxidative hair-dyeing, with the dye and developer (hydrogen peroxide) components.
Synonyms :
2-Amino-4-Nitro-6-Chloro Phenol
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